Welcome to our photography blog!

Mike and I started taking pictures for fun of our cute little boys. Our hobby has turned into fundraising for our youngest son "Lukie". Lukie has been diagnosed with a rare disorder known as Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction. What is a Pseudo Obstruction? Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is a rare disorder of gastrointestinal motility where coordinated contractions (peristalsis) in the intestinal tract become altered and inefficient. Lucas receives TPN (IV fluid with added vitamins and fat to give you all the nutrients you need to survive). Because of his central line to administer the TPN he often has serious infections in his blood stream. We live in Utah but have traveled to Pittsburgh to try to get our baby the help he needs. We are also making plans to travel to other states for more testing. We have been told Lukie will need a small bowel transplant sometime in the future. All of the donations we receive will go directly to Lucas’s medical fund. We are asking $50 for basic family photo shoots, price includes CD of images (number varies) with rights to print. Thanks for looking!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Scott and Nancy!

This are the engagement pictures of Scott and Nancy. It was fun watching them and capturing their relationship together. They posed themselves being so in love:) The park was beautiful covered in snow. Thanks for a fun photo shoot. Here is a link to the full photo shoot.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I found your blog and wondered if you had heard of the Oley Foundation. We offer free information and peer support to families like yours with a member on home tube or IV feeding.

    Check out our web site at www.oley.org. For a good overview, click on the "New to Oley" button.

    We offer information to help prevent TPN-related blood stream infections. We also have information on the largest TPN programs in the country -- if you are looking for more experts.

    Feel free to call/email me if you have any questions or would like to meet another family in a similar situation.

    Warm regards,
    Roslyn Dahl
    Oley Foundation Staff Member
    (800) 776-OLEY
